Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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Assembly Source File
508 lines
; FILE: GG:src/own/awin/cpu5azure2.ASM REV: 10 --- fast 040/060 c2p by Azure
; History
; 0 This is supposed to be cleaner :)
; 7 Made it dynamic.
; 10 Made it mostly(!) dynamic about plane count,
; you still *MUST* pass all 8 planes!!
;5 Pass CPU Chunky to Planar Converter for 68040/60
; This c2p is enhanced for slow 060-boards like the Blizzard 1260 and
; Apollo 1260.
; Tested: Copyspeed on Apollo 1240/40, Apollo 4040/40 , Apollo 1260/50
; its probably copyspeed on all 4060 boards, all 1240/40 boards and
; all 4040/40 boards. On slower 040 boards it should perform well,
; too. I hope it is copyspeed on Blizzard 1260/50,too.
;(W) and (C) 6-7.5.1997 by Tim Boescke
; Azure/Artwork
;This converter is using enhanced and paired mergeops (rot-merges) taking
;3 cycles per merge on 060, 8 cycles per merge on 040. Plus a little overhead
;for final rot-correction. The disadvantage is, that the 16bit merge is slighty
;slower now on 040.
;Effective cycles taken for 8lw c2p:
; 040 060
;rot paired merge 169 61.5
;normal paired merge 168 68
;non paired merge 168 ~132-152
XDEF _awinitchunky2planar
XDEF _awchunky2planar
;void awinitchunky2planar(UBYTE *chunky __asm("a0"),
; ULONG width __asm("d0"),
; ULONG height __asm("d1"),
; ULONG depth __asm("d2"));
;void awchunky2planar(UBYTE *planar __asm("a1"));
USEA7 equ 0 ;1 = use a7 ,0 = dont use a7
;NoA7 uses selfmodifying code with cacheflush
;its applied every time you change the chunkybuffers
;location. (a0=source) So changing it a lot of times
;could slow the c2p down a bit.
; a0 =source
; d0 =width
; d1 =height
; d2 =depth
CNOP 0,8
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a1,-(a7)
move.l .alignbase(pc),d0
bne.b .norealign
; Align the c2p to a 16 byte-border
move.l #_alignhere,d0
and.w #$fff0,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l a0,.alignbase
lea _alignhere(pc),a1
move.w #_loopend-_alignhere,d0
lsr.w #1,d0 ;phxass is drain bamaged
.reloop move.w (a1)+,(a0)+
subq.w #1,d0
bne.b .reloop
; Get original chip writes
lea .cwtab(pc),a0
move.l .alignbase(pc),a1
move.w (_smc_p0-_alignhere,a1),(a0)+
move.w (_smc_p1-_alignhere,a1),(a0)+
move.w (_smc_p2-_alignhere,a1),(a0)+
move.w (_smc_p3-_alignhere,a1),(a0)+
move.w (_smc_p4-_alignhere,a1),(a0)+
move.w (_smc_p5-_alignhere,a1),(a0)+
move.w (_smc_p6-_alignhere,a1),(a0)+
move.w (_smc_p7-_alignhere,a1),(a0)+
.norealign movem.l (a7)+,d0-d2/a0-a1
mulu.w d1,d0 ;d0=screensize
move.l d0,d1
lsr.l #3,d1 ;d1=plane (screensize/8)
move.l a0,_smcsrca0+2
lea (a0,d0.l),a0
move.l a0,_smcherea7+2
; must use .alignbase for aligned area!!
; (ie. for things between _loop and _loopend)
move.l .alignbase(pc),a5
move.l a0,(_endsmc+2-_alignhere,a5)
;d1=plane (screensize/8)
move.l d1,(_smc_plane01+2-_alignhere,a5)
move.l d1,(_smc_plane02+2-_alignhere,a5)
move.l d1,(_smc_plane03+2-_alignhere,a5)
move.l d1,_smc_plane04+2
move.l d1,_smc_plane05+2
move.l d1,_smc_plane06+2
move.l d1,d3
add.l d1,d3 ;d3=2*plane
move.l d3,(_smc_2plane01+2-_alignhere,a5)
move.l d3,_smc_2plane02+2
move.l d3,d4
addq.l #4,d4 ;d4=2*plane+4
move.l d4,(_smc_2plane401+2-_alignhere,a5)
move.l d3,d4
add.l d4,d4 ;d4=4*plane
move.l d4,(_smc_4plane01+2-_alignhere,a5)
add.l d1,d4
subq.l #4,d4 ;d4=5*plane-4
move.l d4,_smc_5plane401+2
move.l d1,d3
add.l d1,d3
add.l d1,d3 ;d3=3*plane
move.l d3,(_smc_3plane01+2-_alignhere,a5)
move.l d3,d4
add.l d4,d4 ;d4=6*plane
move.l d4,(_smc_6plane01+2-_alignhere,a5)
lea .cwtab(pc),a0
move.w (a0)+,(_smc_p0-_alignhere,a5)
move.w (a0)+,(_smc_p1-_alignhere,a5)
move.w (a0)+,(_smc_p2-_alignhere,a5)
move.w (a0)+,(_smc_p3-_alignhere,a5)
move.w (a0)+,(_smc_p4-_alignhere,a5)
move.w (a0)+,(_smc_p5-_alignhere,a5)
move.w (a0)+,(_smc_p6-_alignhere,a5)
move.w (a0)+,(_smc_p7-_alignhere,a5)
cmp.l #8,d2
bls.b .dok
moveq #8,d2
.dok move.w #$2048,d0 ;move.l a0,a0
jmp .djpos(pc,d2.l*4)
.djpos move.w d0,(_smc_p0-_alignhere,a5)
move.w d0,(_smc_p1-_alignhere,a5)
move.w d0,(_smc_p2-_alignhere,a5)
move.w d0,(_smc_p3-_alignhere,a5)
move.w d0,(_smc_p4-_alignhere,a5)
move.w d0,(_smc_p5-_alignhere,a5)
move.w d0,(_smc_p6-_alignhere,a5)
move.w d0,(_smc_p7-_alignhere,a5)
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr -636(a6) ;cacheflush
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
.alignbase dc.l 0
.cwtab dc.w 0,0,0,0
dc.w 0,0,0,0
; (a0 =source)
; a1 =target
;NOTE!!!! : Dont use any optimizations when assembling this! Especially
; not with PHXass. The generated code might not work otherwise.
CNOP 0,8
movem.l d0-d7/a2-a6,-(a7)
_smcsrca0 move.l #$1337C0DE,a0
move.l a7,_a7save
_smcherea7 move.l #$BADC0DE,a7 ;a7=endpointer
_smc_5plane401 add.l #$C0DE7,a1 ;5*.plane-4,a1
move.l (a0)+,d0
move.l (a0)+,d1
move.l (a0)+,d2
move.l (a0)+,d3
move.l (a0)+,d4
move.l (a0)+,a3
move.l (a0)+,d6
move.l (a0)+,a2
swap d4
swap d6
eor.w d0,d4
eor.w d2,d6
eor.w d4,d0
eor.w d6,d2
eor.w d0,d4
eor.w d2,d6
ror.l #8,d2
rol.l #8,d4
move.l d6,d7
move.l d2,d5
eor.l d4,d7
eor.l d0,d5
and.l #$00FF00FF,d5
and.l #$FF00FF00,d7
eor.l d5,d0
eor.l d7,d4
eor.l d5,d2
eor.l d7,d6
rol.l #6,d4
rol.l #6,d6
move.l d4,d5
move.l d6,d7
eor.l d0,d5
eor.l d2,d7
and.l #$33333333,d5
and.l #$33333333,d7
eor.l d5,d0
eor.l d7,d2
eor.l d5,d4
eor.l d7,d6
rol.l #4,d2
rol.l #4,d6
move.l a2,d7
move.l a3,d5
move.l d6,a2
move.l d4,a3
swap d5
swap d7
eor.w d1,d5
eor.w d3,d7
eor.w d5,d1
eor.w d7,d3
eor.w d1,d5
eor.w d3,d7
ror.l #8,d3
rol.l #8,d5
move.l d7,d6
move.l d3,d4
eor.l d5,d6
eor.l d1,d4
and.l #$00FF00FF,d4
and.l #$FF00FF00,d6
eor.l d4,d1
eor.l d6,d5
eor.l d4,d3
eor.l d6,d7
rol.l #6,d5
rol.l #6,d7
move.l d5,d4
move.l d7,d6
eor.l d1,d4
eor.l d3,d6
and.l #$33333333,d4
and.l #$33333333,d6
eor.l d4,d1
eor.l d6,d3
eor.l d4,d5
eor.l d6,d7
ror.l #4,d1
ror.l #4,d5
move.l a2,d6
move.l d5,a2
REPT 4 ;space for realigning
move.l a1,a1 ;pipelined/superscalar nop
move.l a2,a2 ;(Note: the real NOP is more than a
; No-Operation. It does Pipeline-Sync and
; is dead slow that way)
;asm-one isnt assembling trapf
bra.w _enter_here
move.l a1,a1
move.l a2,a2
move.l (a0)+,d0
move.l (a0)+,d1
move.l (a0)+,d2
move.l (a0)+,d3
move.l (a0)+,d4
move.l (a0)+,a3
move.l (a0)+,d6
move.l (a0)+,a2
_smc_p0 move.l d7,(a1) ;plane0
swap d4
swap d6
eor.w d0,d4
eor.w d2,d6
eor.w d4,d0
eor.w d6,d2
eor.w d0,d4
eor.w d2,d6
_smc_plane01 add.l #$C0DE1,a1
ror.l #8,d2
rol.l #8,d4
_smc_p1 move.l d5,(a1) ;plane1
move.l d6,d7
move.l d2,d5
eor.l d4,d7
eor.l d0,d5
and.l #$00FF00FF,d5
and.l #$FF00FF00,d7
eor.l d5,d0
eor.l d7,d4
eor.l d5,d2
eor.l d7,d6
rol.l #6,d4
rol.l #6,d6
_smc_plane02 add.l #$C0DE1,a1
move.l d4,d5
move.l d6,d7
eor.l d0,d5
eor.l d2,d7
and.l #$33333333,d5
and.l #$33333333,d7
eor.l d5,d0
eor.l d7,d2
eor.l d5,d4
_smc_p2 move.l a4,(a1) ;plane2
eor.l d7,d6
rol.l #4,d2
rol.l #4,d6
move.l a2,d7
move.l a3,d5
move.l d6,a2
move.l d4,a3
swap d5
swap d7
eor.w d1,d5
eor.w d3,d7
eor.w d5,d1
eor.w d7,d3
eor.w d1,d5
eor.w d3,d7
_smc_2plane01 add.l #$C0DE2,a1
ror.l #8,d3
rol.l #8,d5
move.l d7,d6
move.l d3,d4
eor.l d5,d6
_smc_p4 move.l a5,(a1) ;plane4
eor.l d1,d4
and.l #$00FF00FF,d4
and.l #$FF00FF00,d6
eor.l d4,d1
eor.l d6,d5
eor.l d4,d3
eor.l d6,d7
rol.l #6,d5
rol.l #6,d7
move.l d5,d4
move.l d7,d6
eor.l d1,d4
eor.l d3,d6
_smc_plane03 add.l #$C0DE1,a1
and.l #$33333333,d4
and.l #$33333333,d6
eor.l d4,d1
eor.l d6,d3
eor.l d4,d5
eor.l d6,d7
ror.l #4,d1
ror.l #4,d5
move.l a2,d6
move.l d5,a2
_smc_p5 move.l a6,(a1) ;plane5